Considering the demand of care for intellectually disabled females, Sungava Homes would like to share its future plan to provide care to ID female as below:
1. Day care service for bigger group:
Our main future plan is to organize day care service for bigger group. Currently, Sungava Homes building is being furnished. The day care service will be for both male and female with Intellectually Disable.
2. Construction of user-friendly washroom/bath room:
Having a beautiful building, there is missing the construction of disability user friendly washroom and bathroom which is urgently needed to construction before start day care for bigger group.
3. To provide transportation facility:
Since the beginning, the service was provided by mother of ID/autism knowingly or unknowingly in Jamal which is located in the heart of Kathmandu city. Majority of the girls are from the local area of Jamal. After shifting to Swyambu from Jamal, mothers are unable to send their children to this place due to long distance for them and it is much more difficult to come with ID/autism children as they reported. So it is urgent need to provide transportation facilities so that girls can attend regularly classes and can come from distant places.
4. Provide residential service to female:
Some of the ID/autism children essentially need residential service due to in humane behavior to them even at home. Thus, Sungava Homes is planning to start residential service to female ID/autism children.
5. Provide mothers with innovative training:
Since inception, Sungava Homes has been operated by a group of mothers of female ID children. Mothers of ID have been conducting training to their own ID children knowingly or unknowingly. Thus, it is necessary to provide mothers with innovative training to teach various skills to the girls.
6. Provide various forms of therapy to children:
Currently, Sungava Homes provides physiotherapy to children. We are planning to hire other professionals such as art therapists, music therapists, and psychologists to provide additional services to children.