Current Services
I. Day Care Services:
Day care service is especially for new comers. When the new comer learns basic life skills, they will be promoted to Vocational Training Center. Since its inception, we have been providing day care services to female ID and autism. Currently, we have plan to provide service not only to the females but also to males based on the demand of parents. However, in day care unit, the following services are provided:
1. Life skill trainings (e.g. toileting, washing hands, brushing teeth, combing hair, eating)
2. Therapy including exercise and physiotherapy
3. Recreational opportunities such as games, participation in dance program.
4. Health care
5. Vocational training based on their capacity
6. Educational activities such as academic, drawing, music
7. Balanced and nutritious meals.
8. Counseling service for parents
II. Vocational Training Unit:
The vocational training unit is run by a group of mothers of ID female. They all are professionally well trained. Series of training activities are carried out regarding training as training curriculum as below:
1. Literacy
The formal education program at the center begins at the most basic introductory level. The girls are taught Nepali and English alphabet and basic mathematics skills according to their individual capacities.
2. Domestic Skills
The girls are taught how to perform such basic daily tasks as cleaning, washing, cooking food, dressing themselves. These simple skills will be invaluable to them in future when they become older and they have to be more independent.
3. Physical activities
Physical games and exercises provide entertainment for the girls and at the same time help them to ward off the threat of secondary disabilities by improving their overall fitness.
4. Creative activities
The center has pioneered the use of music, dance and art for the girls. These activities give the girls new opportunities for self-expression. Many of the girls are excellent drum players with natural ability in rhythm and they take a lot of pride in their performance.
5. Skill Development
The main emphasis of the center has been on skill development. The hope is that the girls can learn simple skills which can give them income generating opportunities in the future.
6. Medical Check-ups
Sungava has managed for regular visiting doctors so that the condition of the girl’s health can be properly monitored and secondary disabilities detected well in advance.